Basketballs were first manufactured around 1894 by Albert G Spalding. The basketball as we know it came about in 1934, with the official size 7, or 30”, being decided as the standard basketball size for men. The smaller women’s size was officially recognized much later.
Basketballs have three parts, the outer shell, the inner core, and the innermost bladder. The outer shell maybe made of leather, composite leather, synthetic leather, or rubber. The core is made of rubber or sponge, or a mix of both. The bladder is generally made of butyl rubber. Apart from these materials, basketballs for recreational games or children’s matches are made of materials as varied as plastic and foam.
Leather basketballs are suitable only for indoor play. If used outdoors, they tend to crack easily. Composite leather basketballs, on the other hand, are good for both indoor and outdoors play. But for playing outdoors on rough surfaces, rubber basketballs are the best.
There are other factors to be kept in mind while selecting a basketball. Does it afford a good grip? The Wilson Evolution series, for example, have a Dura fiber cover which helps the fingers grip the ball tightly.
Also, the bounce of the basketball must be smooth. This is ensured by even pebbling and wide channels on the surface of the ball. The third most important factor is durability- does the basketball retain it’s bounce after regular use or goes flat after a few weeks play?
Size and weight are also important factors while choosing a basketball. Almost all basketball retailers offer the NBA prescribed size chart that you can consult before purchasing a basketball.
Then there is the question of price- it is important to remember that expensive brands may not always give value for money. If you choose expensive basketballs with snazzy designs, they may not be able to last the rigors of outdoor play.
It is important to remember that one brand cannot fulfill all the above criteria and one has to choose from the many varieties available in the market. Each type of basketball has its own advantages and disadvantages.
By Eddie Tobey
Check Out the Related Article : Advantages of Basketball Odds
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 3:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball
Saturday, September 27, 2008
College Basketball Odds
The college basketball odds have become a major help to the entire sports gambler. Knowing the various odds and the other various tips of betting has proved to be a great help to the gamblers. Betting on the college basketball is among the toughest gambling.
Although the basketball betting is considered to be less troublesome as compared to the sports like football, cricket and hockey as the number of players are less. The research work done to understand the gambling techniques in the basketball is very less.
The college basketball tournament brings a lot of excitement and thrill not only to the sports lovers but also to the people who make money by betting on these games. Gambling has become a major profession among all the game lovers and the people who wish to make fast money. But before the gamblers take on the task of gambling, understanding the college basketball odds is very essential. Some of the major points that need to be understood are:
1. Before betting on any team, it is very important to decide the right amount of betting amount as the correct amount can either save you from a loss or increase your bank account by almost double.
2. Understanding the point slab of the college basketball game is very essential as a good mind can help you to win the game.
3. The research work of all the teams taking part in the college basketball tournament is vital. Knowing about the past history of all the teams and players is of utmost importance.
Therefore, the college basketball odds help to show the rough idea of the chances of the gamblers to win. If the bettors understand the various tips of the games very properly, the odds of them to win the bet increase a lot.
By Neil Evans
Check Out the Related Article : Advantages of Basketball Odds

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: College Basketball
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Basketball Rules
Basketball rules came into being the day the game was first played in 1891. The international basketball rules are governed by the technical commission of the International Basketball Federation. Most leagues, including the NBA (National Basketball Association), govern with their own rules.
The primary objective of basketball is to score more points by putting the ball in opposition's basket, which is placed ten feet above the ground. On completion of the game, the team that scores the most points wins. Recreational and high school games last thirty-two minutes, college and international games last forty minutes, women's professional games last forty minutes, and men's professional games last forty-eight minutes.
Referees on court are administers of the basketball rules. A basketball team consists of five players. A game begins with a 'jump ball' at the centre of the court, in which the referee tosses the ball high into the air and two players of each team line up in the middle of the court and try to direct the ball to one of their teammates.
As per basketball rules, the team that possesses the ball plays offense and the opposition plays defense, protecting their basket. The offensive team has a set time, usually thirty-five seconds to score by putting the ball through the opposition's basket. The player possessing the ball cannot run or walk with the ball without dribbling (bouncing the ball against the ground). Once the player stops dribbling, the ball must be passed or shot, or it must be touched by another player before the original player can regain the ball.
According to basketball rules, there are two ways of scoring points; the first is to make a basket, which is worth 2 or 3 points, depending on the distance of the shot. The second way is to score a foul shot or free throw, which is awarded to a player when the opposition commits a personal foul or a technical foul. Possession of the ball alternates when the offense scores or when the defense is successful in gaining the ball. When the offense team misses a shot, the ball is free and all players have equal opportunity to retrieve the ball, which is called making a rebound.
Check Out the Related Article : A Winning Basketball System

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 1:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball Rules
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Basketball Hoops
When basketball was discovered, the hoop was actually a basket, hence the name basketball. As time went on, the basic backboard became bigger, and as rules changed, the net was added. Different styles of basketball hoops are available, for residential, institutional, and gymnasium uses.
There are both indoor and outdoor types of basketball hoops. The introduction of low-priced basketball hoops on the market made basketball more popular. Most hoops have height-adjusting capabilities, from 7' to 11'. Most have steel backboard frames. These types of steel hoops are called lifetime basketball hoops. The hoops can be anchored on the wall (wall-anchor frames) or in the ground (ground-anchor frames) or portable. Some portable basketball hoops have bases that have to be filled with water or by sand. Portable basketball hoops allow you to play basketball anywhere. New portable basketball hoops are less expensive and easier to maintain.
The diameter of the hoop is usually same, except in certain local fairs. There are
specially designed basketball hoops with second rims for players who want to develop some special abilities. Some basketball hoops are provided with an auto rebounder that returns the ball to the shooter after every shot. There are mini-basketball hoops for fun and for relieving stress, especially when you are in the office.
If you buy basketball hoops for children, it is recommended that you buy an adjustable hoop so you can start them with low height and you won't have to buy a new one every year. Before buying a basketball hoop, compare different offers and features. The price of basketball hoops vary according to use, design, and materials used. The price of an outdoor hoop starts at $450, an institutional hoop starts at $5,000, portable indoor hoop starts at $550, and portable outdoor starts at $350. Many basketball hoop manufacturers offer a five-year warranty. Both new and used basketball hoops are available on the market. If you are buying an old one, make sure that the rims are not bent or dirty.
By Eddie Tobey
Check Out the Related Article : A Winning Basketball System

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball Hoops
Monday, September 22, 2008
Basketball Hoop Stand - How To Choose The Best Basketball Hoop Stand
Have you ever wanted your own basketball court in your backyard? Imagine sweating five hours straight in your own backyard playing hoops with your friends. When you finish you all then go to the living room and watch your favorite NBA team play while drinking ice cold beer.
No more travelling thirty minutes to your local basketball court and then travel another 30 minutes back home. Furthermore, whenever you want a break from all the stress with your kids or wife, what better way to let go all these stuff by shooting a few hoops in the backyard?
Instant stress relief.
If you want to enjoy play basketball in your own backyard you also must choose the right basketball stand.
Portable vs Fixed (In-ground) basketball stand or hoop.
Portable stand - A portable hoop is an easily assembled hoop that can be placed anywhere in your backyard. The base of the portable stand is usually filled with water or sand. Most of these stands have an adjustable height option or fixed height.
There's no need to apply permanent concrete to the stand. The disadvantages of having a portable stand are that they are usually less reliable than fixed stand or may collapse/move easily while playing basketball. Usually, the stand is made out of plastic making it much cheaper to purchase but easier to break.
An In-ground basketball stand or hoop - The basketball stand is permanently fixed (cemented) to the ground. They are usually more durable than portable stand and takes up less space than portable hoops. It is also safer to use an in-ground basketball stand when dunking basketballs. The support system is more rigid and therefore the backboard is less prone to falling or collapsing onto the player. However, if you want to move or relocate your basketball stand, you have to break and destroy the concrete support so you can move the pole.
Fixed Height Hoop vs Adjustable Hoop Height
Fixed Height Hoop - A Fixed height hoop is much more durable than adjustable hoop height because it has fewer parts than adjustable hoops. You worry less because the chances of the hoop breaking or falling off are much less than if you choose an adjustable stand.
Adjustable Hoop Height - If you have young kids or want to reach a bit lower so that you can dunk the basketball, this is the best option.
In summary, choosing the right basketball hoop will mostly depend who the player is (if you have younger kids and you also want to play it, an adjustable hoop stand is desirable) and where you want to play it (if you want to play hoops in your uncle's place, a portable stand is better).
By Tu Tran
Check Out the Related Article : A Winning Basketball System

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball Technic
Basketball For Youngsters
Are you looking for a way to get your young kids more involved with sports? Do they need a bit more exercise in order to stay in shape? If you answered yes to either one of these questions you will want to encourage them to play the game of basketball. For years basketball has been one of the favorite games of kids from all over the world. If your kids have never played basketball before why not encourage them to do so today?
The best thing about basketball is that it can be a lot of fun, but at the same time it can be great exercise. This will allow your kids to get involved with a game that they can practice on a regular basis, while also getting in shape at the same time. It does not get any better than that.
The only thing that your kids need in order to get started with the game of basketball is a ball and a hoop to shoot on. You can either put the hoop up in your backyard, or encourage your kids to go to the playground. Either way works; just make sure that you give them the tools they need to get started.
Overall, the game of basketball and the younger generation go together hand in hand. If you are looking for a way to get your kids involved with sports, basketball is a great option. They will be thanking you for a long time if you introduce them to the game.
By Pauline Go
Check Out the Related Article : 5 Ways to Be a Better Girls Basketball Scorer

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 2:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Basketball For Old Timers
Are you past your prime, but still have a burning sensation to play sports? If so, you should consider getting back into the game of basketball. This does not mean that you have to play competitively again. It simply means that you can play basketball for the fun of it.
In addition to the fun that playing basketball will bring to you, it can also help to keep you in shape. And this is something that is very important as you get older. So instead of simply walking around the neighborhood to get exercise, you can shoot hoops in your backyard or at the local playground.
It does not take much to start playing the game of basketball again; even if you have taken a few years off. The only thing that you need is a ball, a hoop, and the desire to get out on the court. With these three things you will be well on your way to playing the game again.
Basketball can also help you to remember things the way that they once were. While playing you will probably recall days of yesteryear when you sank the winning shot; or had a good time playing with your friends. The bottom line is that basketball can bring back good memories from your past.
When it comes down to it, the game of basketball is a great way to get exercise and have fun no matter what age you are. If you do not believe it get started today.
By Pauline Go
Check Out the Related Article : 5 Ways to Be a Better Girls Basketball Scorer

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 5:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball System
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Basketball Drills for Free
Basketball is a great game to play. It’s played with 5 players on each side and requires players to run up and down the court and to constantly switch from playing offense to playing defense. While playing offense and defense there are a variety of tasks players have to do and do well if they hope to have any success. That’s why it’s important for players to perform basketball drills during practice.
Basketball drills help players develop and polish their skills in specific areas. For example, one drill may help a player learn to pass the ball better while another drill might help a player learn how to play man-to-man defense better. There are countless basketball drills that can be done by players. Coaches can get many of these basketball drills for free.
While there are books that outline many drills, coaches can also get basketball drills for free. Most of the free basketball drills can be gotten over the internet. The internet offers all different types of drills and includes the instructions that are needed to actually run the drill in practice.
One of the best things about the basketball drills for free that are offered over the internet is the fact that there are drills for all ages and abilities. For example, there are drills that teach a player how to dribble the ball (great for beginners) and there are drills that involve complicated drills that teach passing, dribbling, and moving without the ball (best for more experienced players).
The basketball drills for free on the internet are often broken down into categories by what skill they work on. So basketball drills will be divided into categories such as dribbling, passing, and playing defense.
One of the free passing basketball drills that can be found involves the team forming a circle. The players will practice chest passes. All the players will form a large circle and have one player in the middle. One player who’s part of the circle will pass to the middle player and then follow his pass (he’ll run toward the middle to become the next receiver and passer). Then the middle player will pass to the player to the right of the player who just passed the ball to the middle. That middle player will then drop into the space in the circle that the other player just left.
By Pat Anderson
Check Out the Related Article : 5 Ways to Be a Better Girls Basketball Scorer

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball Drill
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Basketball Dribbling - 10 Keys To Success!
Basketball Dribbling is probably one of the most popular skills of the game - second only to shooting. Players at every level of competition love to dribble the basketball! There's something about having that basketball in your hands that just feels magical!
Most players and coaches spend a good portion of their practice time working on various basketball dribbling skills and drills. In order for players to become effective and efficient at dribbling the basketball they must continually improve their techniques and fundamentals. Players that are dedicated to improving this critical aspect of the game - those willing to put in the time and effort needed to succeed - will turn into incredibly effective dribblers. They will become virtually unstoppable with the basketball.
Being effective at basketball dribbling not only helps improve all other aspects of a player's game - but also helps make the players around them better. As players work toward becoming better at dribbling the basketball there are certain keys elements they must be aware of and keep in mind at all times.
Here are the 10 keys to basketball dribbling success:
1. Players must stay low when they are dribbling.
2. Players must keep their head up while dribbling.
3. Players must attack their defender - not avoid them.
4. Players must dribble with a purpose - avoid wasted movement.
5. Players must constantly work to improve their weak hand.
6. Players must protect the basketball with their body and off hand.
7. Players must work on change of pace and change of speed dribbles in order to keep the defender off balance.
8. Players must be able to change direction with their dribble to keep the defender off balance.
9. Once a player beats their defender they must: Keep their dribble out in front of them, Keep their defender behind them and, Close the gap between them.
10. Players must work constantly at improving their dribbling techniques and mechanics.
By Joe Waters
Check Out the Related Article : 4 Girls Basketball Off-Season Tips

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball Technic
Monday, September 15, 2008
Basketball Betting Odds
The game of basketball has always been a sport of fun and has always been loved by all the age group people. But now, people have taken up this game more seriously. Now, the basketball is not only a form of fun and a good sport, but it has also become a means of income.
A lot of people have taken up the basketball betting as their prime profession. They make money from this game. But before any gambler gambles it is very important to think wisely so that he does not get to taste the loss.
Before placing any bet, a bettor should look into the basketball betting odds so that he/she knows exactly how much possibility is there for him/her to win. A very close scrutiny is required of team which you have decided as your favorite team. You should go through all the past records of every individual player and see the work of the team against every basketball team.
Along with being good personally, they should be great as a team. Knowing the odds of basketball is not that difficult as compared to the other sports like rugby, football, cricket and hockey. Basketball teams have very few players and therefore, the homework is also very less.
All the characteristics should be studies very properly while deciding your bet on any team. The NBA odds of any team gives you a brief idea of your chances of earning. The internet has made it very easy for all the bettors to get info on the odds of every team. A lot of websites and magazines provide the past records of all the teams. This helps to gain a lot of knowledge and information on the teams. The true pros and cons of every team come in the limelight.
Therefore, acting wisely and gaining information on the basketball betting odds can be a ladder to your new bank account.
By Neil Evans
Check Out the Related Article : 4 Girls Basketball Off-Season Tips

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball Odds
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Basketball: Becoming More and More Popular Worldwide
On any given day, all around the world, people are playing basketball. Today, basketball rates as one of the all-time most popular sports worldwide. Basketball tournaments are played out between players of all age groups from little five and six year olds to adults of all ages and levels. Sports networks around the world, on any given day, will report on professional basketball tournaments around the world and broadcast local and international games.
Basketball continues to grow in popularity, because it is a relatively cheap game to get into, can be played indoors and outdoors, in summer and winter, by girls or boys, men and women, anywhere in the world.
When one thinks of basketball one normally associates it with the United States and the legendary Harlem Globetrotters. Americans have been playing basketball professionally since 1896, but today, there are up to 300 million people playing basketball all around the entire globe. In fact, these days, American basketball teams even recruit foreign players into their teams.
According to, basketball didn't evolve from older more primitive versions of the game, but was invented by a man called Dr. James Naismith, in 1891, so that his college students could keep fit in the winter. In fact, that's how college basketball began! The game was initially played with a soccer ball. Then a brown ball was designed. The characteristic orange ball that we know today was designed in the late 1950s.
From American college basketball to professional league, basketball first evolved into an international sport in 1932 and became an Olympic sport in 1936. Since then, its popularity worldwide has grown exponentially.
By Dylan Miles

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Basic Tips For Effective Basketball Training
Going through consistent intense basketball training is the surest way to enjoy each game and become a real big time basketball figure. Yes, the basketball figures that you so admire today have been through a lot of rigid basketball training. Basketball training is about getting your head in the game. No one can be in the limelight if the necessary basketball trainings are neglected or skipped.
Now keep all these 7 tips listed below in your mind, and your basketball training is certainly going to take you somewhere.
Always be optimistic Positive attitude highly influences the success in the game. You should never come to a point of doubting your skills, your abilities, and yourself. Never be afraid of failing. As long as you place your heart and mind in the game, you can be certain that your play will be what you expect it to be.
Always be aggressive As a basketball player you need to be aggressive in every move you take. Be rest assured that your opponent will steal your victory, if you just stay unmoving on the spot and you seem to be uncertain of your next move. You've got to exercise your quick decision-making in every game.
Bear in mind to make repeated efforts If at first attempt you lose a chance to score, work up on creating succeeding opportunities until times that you make good use of your chances.
Contribute your part as a teammate Don't abandon the fact that you are playing for a team. So be sure that you have everyone's interest in mind as you shoot the ball.
Keep the words of your coach Your basketball coach is your guardian. For that reason you have to exert your best during practice because your coach will obviously want the best for your team.
Defend and stay out of trouble A smart player is someone who doesn't get caught up in fights. This will only ruin your mood so better work up on the defense rather than offending your opponents.
Practice and work hard It is very important that you take time to prepare for the big game. You can attend to such preparation by committing yourself with practices.
Now focus on these vital tips for your basketball training. And you will witness a great leap in your performance and you will enjoy each game.
By Christopher Amissah
Check Out the Related Article : 3 Girls Basketball Dribbling Drills For All Positions

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: BasketBall Tips
Friday, September 12, 2008
Baseball and Basketball Origins
Though the game was invented and popularized by the YMCA, the organization was discouraging basketball within a decade of its creation, stating that the rough play and animated crowds detracted from their main mission. Basketball wouldn’t fade, however, as other clubs and colleges filled the gap. Before the first World War, the Amateur Athletic Union and Intercollegiate Athletic Association were the dominant clubs.
Naismith actually assisted in developing the college basketball game as well, coaching for six years at the University of Kansas. One of his protégés, Amos Alonzo Stagg, spread the game to the University of Chicago, and Adolph Rupp (a former student in Kansas) became a successful coach at the University of Kentucky. The college leagues began in the 1920’s, with the first national championship (the National Invitation Tournament or NIT) taking place in 1938.
The current incarnation of the college basketball league is the NCAA. With over 330 teams competing in 31 various conferences, the NCAA is one of the largest sports leagues in the world. In fact, the yearly NCAA Championship tournament is just as popular among viewers as the World Series of baseball, the Superbowl of football, and sometimes even more popular than the Stanley Cup of hockey.
By Peter Portero
Check Out the Related Article : 3 Girls Basketball Dribbling Drills For All Positions

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Advantages of Basketball Odds
Playing a basketball game is an astounding experience, especially if you can make a fortune from it. Doesn't it sound great and exciting?
You must have heard a lot about the fortune that comes with basketball betting, but have you ever tried it. The basketball gambling involves enormous amount of money which can either make or break that person, so have a look at the various basketball odds to enhance your chances of winning.
After all emerging as a winner is a great thing, right? To increase your hard earned money is now at your hand.
To augment the likelihood of winning, ensure to know about the basketball odds so that you are well aware about the pros and cons of betting on each team. The basketball odds will keep you updated about the performances of each team which will help you to decide on which team you want to gamble.
Betting on basketball is better than most of the other games like football due to the lesser team size and also weather is not the consideration. But it's always advisable to play safe and analyze properly different teams and their team members. Sometimes, misfortunes might disallow the key players to play the games, so ensure that the back player has sufficient expertise and temperament to handle the situation.
Betting is fun but only if you win. Even if you have loads of money to gamble, you wouldn't like to be called as a loser. So make a new winning track record by gambling on the right team, and this is possible only by looking at basketball odds.
One of the prime advantages of basketball odds is that you know where you stand at the beginning of the tournament. And rest; leave it for the team and the lady luck!
By Neil Evans
Check Out the Related Article : 3 Girls Basketball Dribbling Drills For All Positions

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball Odds
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Winning Basketball System
A solid basketball system is a prayer answered for the players. If you have a system, you are in the top ten. Basketball systems help the players feel confident that they really have something more to show the audience, and that they have a strategy to help them win the game. Even if the basketball system is a horrible invention of a sick brain, it is something good. You can at least rely on your team, and team working is something really important for the future success. So, basketball systems are something inevitable. Let’s check how they work in practice!
One strategy is called the pro shot dominator. It has everything to make an awesome game. I don’t understand anything about angles and shots, but the players seem to adore it. They often practice at their new system. They have even made some improvements on the game.
It depends on the person whether he will fit in the new basketball system, or resist it. It all varies, because some systems require additional skills as well as muscle mass. There are a lot of basketball systems used by novices. If you are one of them, you should first try to exercise on your shooting. The play 21 is perfect for this, because all you do is shoot the centre and get your ball in the basket. It helps you develop your hidden talent, if you have any!
Basketball system is a proper thing to work on, if you are deeply concerned about your team. If all the players exercise on the same strategy, it develops their synchrony and helps them when they are playing with other team. That’s why it is extremely important to develop your own strategy, and work hard on it.
Basketball systems needn’t be professional. Some systems require professional skills, of course, but they are more complicated. If you only want to make team working, you may choose simpler basketball systems to follow and exercise on. The important thing is that they develop your shots and your coordination among the team players.
By Morgan Hamilton
Check Out the Related Article : 2 Girl's Basketball Camp Tips

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball System
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
5 Ways to Be a Better Girls Basketball Scorer
Attitude - The first way to become a better scorer in girls basketball is to believe in yourself. It is that simple. You must have the confidence to know that when you shoot the basketball, the ball will go through the hoop. If you are confident and have a positive attitude in your shooting ability, the ball will go in more often than not.
Do Extra Work- If your shot is not falling the way you want it to, do something about it. Doing nothing and complaining about how you can't shoot or how you are off or in a slump is not helping the situation. Get in a gym and take some extra shots.
Attend a Camp or Clinic- There is shooting camps and clinics available all over the place. Get on the internet do a search on Girls Basketball Shooting Camps or Clinics and add your city or state to see if a camp is being held in your area or region.
Get a Trainer-Girls basketball trainers are available to assist you either one-on-one or in a group setting.
Buy Basketball Training Material- there are plenty of books, e-books, DVDs and other training equipment that is available on the subject of basketball or shooting a basketball. You can find them in the library, book store or online.
The most important aspect of becoming a better girls basketball scorer is doing something about it whether you first, change your attitude, do extra work, attend a camp or clinic, get a trainer or buy some kind of basketball training material.
By Patosha Jeffery
Check Out the Related Article : 2 Girl's Basketball Camp Tips

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Girl BasketBall Tips
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
4 Girls Basketball Off-Season Tips
The off-season is not the time to sit down. As a matter of fact, there is no off-season. Basketball is year round. You are either playing in a game or preparing yourself to play in a game. Here are some tips to help.
Stay in basketball shape
Play pick up ball on a consistent basis. You will always find pick up games going on at the park, at the community center or at someone's house. I don't know how they do it in other cities, but in Memphis, we pull our basketball goals to the side of the curb. Then it is on. Or join a summer basketball team. This can be an AAU, church league, community center, development or summer travel team. There are endless opportunities to stay in shape.
Get stronger and faster
As you advance in basketball, you will notice that competition is getting stronger and faster. You should do the same. Work with someone on improving your strength and speed.
Stay in the gym
During the season, there is hardly enough time to work on individual skills. Team skills are the primary focus. Now you can focus on what you need to do to improve. Ask your coach what areas you need to work on and do it.
Study the Game
This is another perfect opportunity to study the game. Don't just strive to have the best jump shot, be stronger or quicker. Be the smartest player on the court. There are girls basketball trainers, books, and videos available to help increase your knowledge of the game.
By Patosha Jeffery
Check Out the Related Article : 2 Girl's Basketball Camp Tips

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Girl BasketBall
Monday, September 1, 2008
3 Little Known Tips of Basketball Hoop Shopping
I've got a confession to make. I play basketball. I play it very poorly and can't make very many of the shots that I shoot at the basketball hoop. I have a feeling that I am not alone in the world at being a rather poor basketball player. However, one thing that I'm not bad at is comparison shopping. I've mastered the ancient art of comparing prices between merchants and can usually ferret out a fairly good deal with a little bit of leg work. Basketball hoops are no different than other items when it comes to shopping for them.
There are some tips you should know before embarking on your journey to shop for a basketball hoop.
1)New or Used. You really might consider buying a used basketball hoop if you are interested in value. However, make sure you are buying one that hasn't been banged up too bad. Years of basketball practice can only make your rim bent and dirty. Ebay can be a great place to buy used equipment and basketball hoops are regularly for sale on Ebay.
2)Do your homework by comparing different merchant offers on different search engines and different websites. Just because something is advertised for sale on Google doesn't mean its also advertised for sale on Yahoo. Some merchants advertise their good strictly through the Amazon partners program and don't do any other advertising anywhere else. Price vary drastically and the only way you will know that you are getting a good deal is to examine what the different people are selling the same goods for on different websites. Basketball hoops are no exception.
3)Learn about the different types and styles of basketball hoops. Without the knowledge of what you are buying, points #1 and #2 are nearly worthless. Buy your hoop the right way and get a great deal on one by being an informed consumer. Learn how to buy a basketball hoop and you can guarantee that you got a better deal than everyone else.
By Tim Jeffries
Check Out the Related Article : 2 Deadly Girls Basketball Shooting Mistakes

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: BasketBall Tips
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